Monday, September 8, 2008
Lately I have been MIA! It has been a very eventful last couple of months. In August Brian and I took several fun trips. For any of you that understand my business you certainly understand how difficult it is for me to leave town. While visiting some of Brian's family in North Carolina we had two trees struck by lighting. This made for a fun return trip home. NOT! We come home to find out that we no longer had functioning tv's, dvs players, computers, phones you get the point. If its plugged into and outlet its all burnt up. Not to mention the fallin trees everewhere. Surge protectors FRIED, I am tired of that question "Did you have any surge protectors?" BLA BLA BLA Mine seemed to be no match for a lighting storm. As if this was not enouh weather fun then came wonderful hurricane Fay to bless me with a few more fallin trees destroying my new fence. Oh well if I sound bitter I am not at all! Ateast it all happened close enough together to make the same insurace claim! I am still waiting on the check, it seems my insurance company had beed flooded (literally) with claims from recent weather conditions. I am sure it will all get resolved. Brian went out and purchased flat screen tvs, a phone system I can't work, and a brand new computer that is definitely smarter than me! Oh well I needed some updated items anyway. This wrapped up August and now for my September thus far. My rodeo team is exceptional and my business is growing each day. I actually have been very blessed these days regardless of the weather, I know it could have been alot worse. We had our first show of a new season and my students did exceptionally well. I sold a few horses and bought a few more. I will have to post some pictures. I also just bought the cutest pony. He is 6 years old and sweet as can be. He came with a really silly name, the previous owners called him Dandy. That name just didn't work for me. We call him Blister because when we bought him his poor little muzzle was sun burned. Kinda wierd but really fits him. I have several funny stories I will try to update more often. Must go prepare for a new week. Hope to hear from some of you soon!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Little update
Well well, yes I am aware its July and I haven't been using this blog very much. I have been crazy busy and haven't taken the time to sit down long enough to type. I began my summer with a horse camp with 15 children, then I left and went to the state 4H horse show in Perry for a week with some of my rodeo team. They did amazing their ability to perform under pressure always impresses me. Upon my return home a few of us had a nice 4 day get away to St. Augustine. June was also the month my step daughter Kylie came to stay with us. She is now 13, how all the years seem to fly by so quickly. We had a great time and the older she gets the better we seem to relate. My little cousin Desirae also came to stay for about 6 weeks. She is a blast to have around and I really enjoyed teaching her to ride just as her Mom helped me when I was young. She is so much like her Mother at that age. This month I am trying to rest! Brian's band will be performing in an event known as battle of the bands tonight and tomorrow night playing at a local Irish pub know as Charlie O'corleys. They have become a local favorite and I am attempting to keep all the fame from going to Brian's head! lol I will be out of town late July/ early August but will try to update periodically. Enjoy these summer days and don't forget to tell everyone you care about that you love them! Got to rush now so I can make it to hear Brian play!
Friday, May 23, 2008
I'm back
Well I remembered I had this blog thing today! Its rainning this afternoon and I go insane when stuck inside so I decided to post a quick update. I absolutely love three day weekends because most of my clients go out of town. This weekend we are taking the boat and going to a friends house at twin lakes. I am sure it will be a fun weekend and I need to get rid of some terrible tan lines. Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend and gets the opportunity to spend time with loved ones. I am skipping the barrel race this weekend as I have been traveling somewhere for the past 6 weekends. I will try to update more frequently. Think my ADD tendancies still come out at times! lol
Monday, April 28, 2008
Quick Update
Just thought I would write a minute. I have been very busy lately and just haven't slowed down enough to update. I had a great weekend, horse show on Saturday. (imagine that) Last week my little cousin Xylie and Becca came for a visit. We had a great time. The kids really enjoyed playing with the baby animals. Perhaps my Aunt Suz will send me some pics to share. My camera drown in an unfortunate incident. I will get another soon as I decide what I want. I am getting ready to have summer horse camps as well as prepare for the state 4-H horse show. I really love this time of year, always something fun and exciting to do outdoors. Brian's band has a lot of upcoming events to play at. (keeps him busy and happy) Hope everyone is enjoying the spring time before the heat gets here!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Monday Blues
This past weekend was another busy weekend filled with work and many new accomplishments for my students. We went to Pavo for a Thomas County 4-H horse show. My students really did exceptional as well as my horses. Today I find myself trying to get some spring cleaning accomplished. I have completely wasted an entire day killing time and doing every thing except clean house. This afternoon is a busy afternoon I have 3 clients coming and tomorrow no extra time. I don't know why I could not get anything accomplished today. Oh well there is always going to be days like this. As long as I can scurry (yeah I think that is a word) around and get enough work done so Brian doesn't realize I have been prisoner of the couch and the computer. No need to hear him brag aboiut all he did today!! Hope everyone else has had a more productive day!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Tired and Overwhelmed!
Okay haven't written in a while because I have been very busy. I was at several horse events the past two weekends as well as this week I have 15 kids at my yearly spring break horse camp. Spring is definitely my favorite time of the year but also my busiest. I have eight kids in my advanced group this week and 7 beginners. My sweet little beginners(ages 5-11) just want to be on a horse and want Ms. Amanda to be proud of them. Oh but the noise from my advanced group ages (11-14) and the teenage gossip is enough to drive anyone insane. I told them today if they knew so much then perhaps they should teach the class. After a break and some releif from my workers I regained their attention and actually got some work done. I know for a fact the younger kids learned more today because unlike the pre teens they realize there is always more learn. I really am blessed to do something I love, but they really wore me out today. Hope everyone has a great week and pray that I find patience to set a positive example for the wonderful little personalities.
Friday, March 14, 2008
I am thankful

This has been an exciting roller coaster kinda of week for me! We are closing on our new property on Monday after working with a bank for months trying to secure satisfactory loan terms. I have great respect for anyone who works in real estate or has to deal with the uncertainties of financial institutions especially considering today's economical woes. We had our closing set, all parties in agreement and on Wednesday we reviewed the documents only to find that the bank had set ridiculous conditions upon us. All there stipulations have been removed and everything is now in order. I am very thankful for all the support I have received because I genuinely thought I was going to have a meltdown. Anyone that knows me understands it takes a lot to really shake me and also knows I have everything invested into this endeavor. Thankfully things worked out and perhaps dreams really do come true. Thought I would also take time to update everyone regarding Brian (husband) he is now playing with a band known a Mahogany Moon they are talented and he is having a great time. We are both very excited about the new direction our lives have taken in the past few months. Guess I am out for the night!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Yes I tend to ramble

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Got this figured out! Feeling Random

Okay I have a college degree, a variety of web page design experience and I have sucessfully managed my myspace for years (yes I have a myspace, it keeps me connected to my college friends and gives be a window into my student's world) yet the operation of this blogspot took me a few minutes to figure out! Not to worry I have mastered the task! Aunt Suz I set my page so I can recieve your comments too!
Monday, March 10, 2008
I am here
I joined this site to keep up with my fabulous family! I recently sold a house and I am in the process of creating a partnership within my LLC. The past couple of years have been exciting as well as scary. My business is growing more each day and I have a new horse her name is She La Sun frost. My husband swears I love the horse more that him! I promise this is not the truth but I admit sometimes the horse seems to be a much better listener. This past week has been incredibly busy it seems just time I think I am getting caught up, I find myself behind again. I will write more soon!
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